What is HTML?



HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is the standard markup language used to create and design web pages. HTML structures web content by defining elements such as headings, paragraphs, images, links, and more.

Features of HTML:

  1. Markup Language: HTML  uses tags to define elements within a document.
  2. Hypertext: It allow linking to other web pages or sections using hyperlinks.
  3. Plateform Independent: HTML can be rendered by web browsers on various devices and operating systems.
  4. Flexible Structure: Allows for integration with other languages like CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and JavaScript for styling and functionality.

Structure of an HTML Document

An HTML document begins with a document type declaration and follows a specific structure:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Page Title</title>
    <h1>Welcome to HTML</h1>
    <p>This is a paragraph of text.</p>
    <a href="https://softking.org">Visit Soft King</a>

Explanation of Componets:

  1. <!DOCTYPE html>: Declares the document type and version of HTML (commonly HTML5).
  2. <html>: The root element that encapsulates the entire HTML document.
  3. <head>: Contains metadata about the document, such as its title, linked stylesheets, and scripts.
  4. <title>: Defines the title of the webpage, displayed in the browser tab.
  5. <body>: Contains all the visible content on the webpage, like text, images, links, etc.
  6. Tags: Elements are written in angle brackets, e.g., <h1>, and most have opening and closing tags.

Common HTML Tags and Their Usage:

<h1> to <h6>Headings (from largest <h1> to smallest <h6>).
<p>Paragraph text.
<a>Anchor tag for hyperlinks.
<img>Embeds images.
<ul> / <ol>Unordered and ordered lists.
<li>List items inside <ul> or <ol>.
<div>Division or container for organizing content.
<span>Inline container for styling small parts of text.
<table>Defines a table.
<form>Creates forms for user input.

Advantages of HTML:

  1. Easy to Learn and Use: Simple syntax makes it beginner-friendly.
  2. Flexible Integration: Works seamlessly with CSS and JavaScript.
  3. Browser Support: Supported by all major web browsers.
  4. Open Standard: Does not require any special software to write or run.

Limitations of HTML:

  1. Static Content: HTML alone cannot create dynamic or interactive web pages.
  2. Dependency on CSS and JavaScript: For styling and interactivity, other technology are necessary.
  3. Complexity at Scale: Large projects may become unwieldy without frameworks or strucured methodologies.

HTML is the backbone of web development. It provides the structure for web pages, and when combine with CSS and JavaScript, it enable developers to create modern, interactive, and visually appealing websites.

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